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Yoni and Womb Healing

As a Woman, we can hold decades of energetic trauma and wounding within our wombs and sexual organs (known as the Yoni within Tantra). We can also carry ancestral wounds, buried deep within, that are playing out in our current reality, preventing us from owning our voices, our bodies, our Yoni's and sacred sexual energy, and stepping into our power.

I will work with you and your Yoni and/or Womb to help bring healing, balance, pleasure and empowerment.

This journey can include Yoni Massage, a beautiful modality that focuses on releasing tension, sexual trauma and numbness, bringing softness and reconnection. Using breathwork and energy balancing to de-armour and reclaim this sacred space.

Womb healing will incorporate gentle sacral massage, breathwork and energy balancing, taking a deep dive within the womb to find what is hidden and bring it back to the light with Love.  

Emotional releases are very common and I will hold compassionate and respectful space while this is occurring, helping you work through the energy to release it and liberate you on a deep level.

Please contact me to discuss this healing modality further and to see how it help you.

I am also an affiliate of Yoni Pleasure Palace that make the most incredible crystal and glass pleasure wands, ideal for de-armouring and self pleasure. I can personally recommend these very highly! Click the link here to have a look:

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